Onnest is part of the Convey project which aims to establish an integrated hydrogen ecosystem at the Port of Hirtshals in Denmark.
The project will utilize renewable energy from local wind turbines to produce green hydrogen and help decarbonize the operations in the port. The CONVEY Valley features a wind energy site powering a 5 MW hydrogen production and storage facility. It includes pipelines for efficient hydrogen and oxygen distribution. Initial off-takers include road transport logistics and the food industry focusing on Onnest’s landbased aquaculture facility.
Total project cost is budgeted to EUR 22 million which is split between the consortium members and a grant from EU’s Clean HydrogenPartnership under Horizon Europe.
Our participation in the Convey project is initially related to the use of residual heat and oxygen for production of the world’s most environmentally friendly trout. However, the project and cooperation with the various consortium members have already created a number of further positive dialogues that will strengthen the Onnest business case even further.
Samuel Muren
The project runs over 5 years with distinct phases being system design, build and H2 valley operations. To follow the Convey project, please have a look at the website https://convey.energy/ and follow on linkedin.